Tuesday 29 November 2011

Week 11

I added the material to the candle handle and the candle, going to materials, and choosing Architectural from the list, I selected the colour and chose one of materials, to make an object shiny.

I also added the material to the doors on all second floor.
The link: cgtextures.com

Then we started animation. My first animation is to make water pouring from the jar to the glass. For this I used Particle system (Super Spray) technique which is completely new for me.

So, to make that I selected Forces from the list in Space Warps and clicked Gravity.
Positioned it near my object (jar).
Then, from the same Space Warps I selected Deflectors from the list and clicked UDeflector, and also positioned near the object (jar).
Finally, from Geometry I selected Particle System from the list and clicked Super Spray and positioned near the jar . It is all shown on the picture below.

I clicked on Super Spray and going to modify panel I clicked there on Super Spray again.
So, I could see the list with Basic Parameters, Particle Generation, Particle Type, Standard Particle (where I chose sphere). I made several changes in all of them, changing the numbers until I received the result I needed (the shape which looks like jet).
Moving the timeline I could see how the jet moves.

I clicked on M to go to materials and clicked Background. From Map Browser I selected Architectural- Water.
It is shown on the picture on the left. I changed Defuse Colour, Defuse Map, Shininess and set Luminance to 300, so the material looks like the real water.

After all that was done, I just used Auto Key to make my animation with the jar. I was moving the jar up and after jet was in the glass, down, so on the time line on certain minutes some windows appeared, it means on each of them the new movement happens. Then I rendered it giving correct parameters and saving as AVI file.

Followed the tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXbuiIXu8gY&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL1AE787D6F1DF31A4

Pouring water animation

Friday 25 November 2011

Later I made a table for the priest room to add more furniture.
So, I created it from the box and four cylinders , converted to editable poly and attached all to make them as one object.

To make it interesting I applied wooden material to the sides and the material from jar to the top. So it looks like a wood with cut pattern.

I made a research about electricity :

So, Mr Thomas Edison in 1879 focused on inventing practical light bulbs, and in 1882 first Power Station started up its generator in New York, so it was enough to provide all houses with electricity and light up the bulbs. So the conclusion is that in our situation there was no light in the Guildhall yet, so I am modelling a candlestick.

The link: http://www.need.org/needpdf/infobook_activities/IntInfo/Elec3I.pdf

To make a candlestick I made a cylinder first, and then converted it to editable poly. I used Bevel to change the shape of it so I selected the area with Polygon and beveled as I needed.

I followed this tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb_QMLOrAJ8

Then I also used Extrude tool to extrude some shape and bevel again. So I received something like that:

And again used some bevel and extrude:

Finally I had to make a handle, so I selected some polygons from sides and extruded with extrude tool.

I selected the endings from both extruded tubes and clicked Bridge, so the connection between them appeared and the handle is ready.

Later on, I clicked Mesh smooth in modify panel and my candlestick became smoothed.

So, the next step was to create a candle, which was made from cylinder.
Then, converting it to editable poly I selected some lines on the candle and choose Bend from modify panel, so at the end I received a finished candle which is curvy as bending it I changed the angle. Bend is a new technique for me, I never used it before.
And finally I Mesh smoothed it so it looks very nice now.

And my almost finished second floor with rooms and details looks like that:

To make the celebration table complete I created the jar for the drink.
To make it I selected teapot from shapes and changed its shape with uniform scale. I applied this material to it :

The link: cgtextures.com

From the beginning when I applied the material it looked black, so I converted it to editable poly and selected all with polygon. Then going to material ID I set ID to 5 as it was written in actual material when you click M. So the jar was not black any more, but owned a nice material.

The table is ready now!
As I told before I had to make some more fruits, so I created some apples.
First of all, I created a sphere which I chose from shapes and reduced segment quantity. Then converted it to editable poly and used Polygon from Selection.

I matched needed area and with selection tool made it down. After that I selected other poligons around that red round on the
picture and clicking bevel narrowed the top of the apple.

So I got the shape of the apple which looks like that:

To make a material I used the same technique as for making a pear. I clicked M to go to materials and there instead of bitmap I clicked on Speckle and chose yellowish colours for it.

To save my time I just copied the stick from the pear and put it to my apple. So the fruit plate is ready ( have a nice meal :)

Thursday 24 November 2011

In my opinion it might be that in the old times there were not very much opportunities to buy different blankets and tablecloths, so I imagine that some local women were sewing them. So that is why for the tablecloth and blanket I used the same pattern-as they were sewn from the same peace of material.

So, to create the blanket I copied the tablecloth and then selected MeshSmooth to make it more smoothed without sharp angels. I never tried MeshSmooth before, always was using Turbo smooth instead, but it makes difference. And finally, I selected UVW mapping from the modify list and clicking on gizmo changed some parameters to make the material look good on the object.

So, at the end the bed looked very nice and I also applied wood material to the basement of the bed. The material is the same which I used for the children desk in the school room.

Modelling continue

I was making another room where the priest used to sleep.
So I went to Geometry - AEC extended - Wall and made a square which forms the room.

Then made the floor from the plane as well.

I was modelling a bed for the priest:
First of all, created the bed basement from 3 boxes and attaching them made as a whole object.

Then, I had to make a mattress and here I learnt a new technique : Relax from modify list.

So, I made a box where I added some more lines on all the sides and going to modify panel I selected RELAX what makes the object more curvy or rounded, instead of being squared.

I used this tutorial to learn it : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37voYlUdKXw

I also applied this material to the mattress

The link for material: http://image.made-in-china.com/2f0j00rekTcRbGaVoB/Mattress-Ticking-Fabric-3801-10-.jpg

The same RELAX technique was used to create two pillows.

I also applied the material to it-

The link: http://www.germes-online.com/catalog/26/84/362/276840/bedding_cloth.html

And to make it more puffy, I converted it to editable poly and pulled up some polygons.

Monday 21 November 2011

The main dish for the table will be chicken, or it can be counted as turkey :)

The link: http://forum.industar.com.ua/showthread.php?t=262

First of all, I used my creativity and decided to make a shape of its body from sphere. I selected Sphere from Geometry and elongated it with uniform scale. Then I added more polygons to it so converting to editable poly I had a lot of them. Changing the shape of it I came up with something like this.

Then I needed to create legs with bones as well. Basically I used the same technique converting the sphere to editable poly and changing the shape. The bone made from cylinder was made withe the same steps.

Looks quite realistic I could say.

The table is almost finished, the only thing I will do next time is to create some other fruits and a jar for the drink.

Then I started to model the plates. I used the same technique with drawing the shape with the LINE and after selecting LATHE made it to 3D figure. One plate is deep-for the fruits, but others are just plates for eating. I made them with copying the deep plate and using uniform scale changed the thickness.

This material was taken from the same website: http://cgtextures.com/

I think, it suits to the tablecloth very well.

The next step was to create drinking glasses and it was decided to make them from wood. Discussing some points about our research board we decided that we will show the outside view of the guildhall and the church as being in 14 century, but the celebration hall is better to show in 16 century.
As it is known renaissance period was between 15-17 centuries, so I added some nice patterns to the tableware.
I made this glass from the TUBE which selected from GEOMETRY.

It appeared without bottom of course, so I made it separately from Cylinder and converting it to editable poly attached it with the glass.

I used the material from the same website: http://cgtextures.com/