Monday 5 December 2011

Week 12

Today meeting with our group we showed each other all our rendered animations. It was decided that we do some more animations today and put them into the Premier Pro.

We divided the work between us during the lecture:
Steward was putting ready rendered files to the Premier Pro, but me and Helen created some more animations for the final video.

Celebration Hall animation:

First of all, one omni light left from previous animation, so I added one more omni light to have enough light in the room. Then, the target camera was created and the path was drawn by line. I selected Path Constrain and clicked on the Line, so the camera started to follow it, but the target was positioned within the table view. This animation was made to show the celebration hall around.

Later on, another animation was made.

School animation:

In different centuries the same room was used for the school and the celebration hall. So, to animate the school I removed the table and imported children desks with the blackboard. Also, created the chalk from geometry box.

I left the omni light and created another path with line tool which goes between the desks all the way through the class and stops near the blackboard where I made another animation of the numbers. This time I used a free camera .

To make an animation with the numbers, I drew (2-1=1). Number two was created by drawing the line, changing its parameters and putting the material of the white colour. The other symbols were created by rectangles.

The animated number 1 was extruded in modify panel.

Animating , it slowly appears wit the chalk movement. I was using the timeline keyframes to make the chalk follow the line and rectangular number to appear slowly at the same time, to make an impression of realistic writing.

The path constrain was made selecting Position, path constrain and Add Path.

This is how the blackboard looks from the camera view while the chalk is writing number 1.

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