Monday 21 November 2011

Week 10

Today meeting with our group we decided to finish our modelling and start animation.
So, today I was modelling the food for the table for celebration hall.

First of all I found very nice material for tablecloth.

Link for the material:

So, after applying it to the table I started to create fruits. I made a pear and to create it I selected LINE from SHAPES and I drew half of the pear with the line. Later going to modify panel I selected LATHE what made as a 3D model. Then, If the shape was not looking good I went to line-vertex and changed the position of the points.
The stick was made from cylinder, which I also chose from SHAPES. Choosing BEND (new technique) in modify list I bended it to the side as much as I needed.

I was trying to apply the material I found on this website :
I opened it in photoshop and made it without background. I opened it in 3Ds max, but it did not look good on the objects due to the shape of the material.

After this picture did not work, I discovered totally new technique for me:
From material browser I selected SPLAT and changed colours to green. It was fine, but did not look as a real pear, so I decided to try SPECKLE and again changing colour 1 and 2 to green with the small difference I made the pear look much better.

If it can be seen, the pear now has good and nice texture which makes it look realistic.

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