Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Week 11

I added the material to the candle handle and the candle, going to materials, and choosing Architectural from the list, I selected the colour and chose one of materials, to make an object shiny.

I also added the material to the doors on all second floor.
The link: cgtextures.com

Then we started animation. My first animation is to make water pouring from the jar to the glass. For this I used Particle system (Super Spray) technique which is completely new for me.

So, to make that I selected Forces from the list in Space Warps and clicked Gravity.
Positioned it near my object (jar).
Then, from the same Space Warps I selected Deflectors from the list and clicked UDeflector, and also positioned near the object (jar).
Finally, from Geometry I selected Particle System from the list and clicked Super Spray and positioned near the jar . It is all shown on the picture below.

I clicked on Super Spray and going to modify panel I clicked there on Super Spray again.
So, I could see the list with Basic Parameters, Particle Generation, Particle Type, Standard Particle (where I chose sphere). I made several changes in all of them, changing the numbers until I received the result I needed (the shape which looks like jet).
Moving the timeline I could see how the jet moves.

I clicked on M to go to materials and clicked Background. From Map Browser I selected Architectural- Water.
It is shown on the picture on the left. I changed Defuse Colour, Defuse Map, Shininess and set Luminance to 300, so the material looks like the real water.

After all that was done, I just used Auto Key to make my animation with the jar. I was moving the jar up and after jet was in the glass, down, so on the time line on certain minutes some windows appeared, it means on each of them the new movement happens. Then I rendered it giving correct parameters and saving as AVI file.

Followed the tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXbuiIXu8gY&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL1AE787D6F1DF31A4

Pouring water animation

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